
Lost Your Job? Communicate Your Change with Grace and Confidence

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Lost Your Job? Communicate Your Change with Grace and Confidence

We take pride in having meaningful work.  It becomes part of who we are; part of our identity.  When we lose our job, we, therefore, lose a piece of who we are and it can be quite embarrassing for a period of time. During this transition you will inevitably be asked by friends, family and business associates what happened with your job.  You will also hear this question frequently during your search for work.  Responding in a capable and confident manner with ease, regardless of who asks, is the first important step you will take to be in control of the messages you communicate.

Develop an initial statement that you are comfortable with.  You will notice that as you speak to more and more people, you may change it as you move forward more.  When drafting a statement, consider these important points.

Keep It Brief

Generally, the more you try and explain, the more difficult your response becomes.  The crisper your message is the less chance that people will ask follow up questions.  Try and keep your message to about 30 seconds.  Anticipate some common questions along with your response and you won’t be caught by surprise.

Be Factual

It’s best to acknowledge your situation.  It will be uncomfortable at first but as you deal with it, it becomes less difficult, much faster.

Be Truthful and Positive

Many things lead to someone being let go from a job.  Determine the most appropriate reason and provide your response in a positive manner.  You may be feeling some very strong emotions but keep them to yourself as best as you can.  Remember, remaining positive projects confidence.  It’s a great start!

If you would like more information regarding career strategy, please check out my Free Resources Tab on my website at www.hrcareertransition.com, like me on Conscious Career Planning with Lotte on Facebook, follow me on Twitter @lottestruwing or connect with me on LinkedIn at Lotte Struwing.

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