
Conscious Career Planning – Top 10 Strategic Tips List

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Conscious Career Planning – Top 10 Strategic Tips List

Tips to make Strategic Career Planning easier


1.  Networking – We are entering into another relationship era. Real networking is not getting what you want but it’s about caring and investing in others too. Build your relationships (social and personal) through networking and never neglect them!
2.  Assessments – There are lots of great ones and some are free. We know so much about ourselves and also so little. These are great tools for confirming what we know, identifying new opportunities, understanding the best work settings for us, communicating with others effectively, how we behave under stress how to modify our style to fit an environment.

3.  Address your fears and challenges – We all have them and some may be buried so deep we’re not even conscious of them. Work to identify them and write them down because as soon as you do they lose power. Then you can start addressing them and move forward with what’s next. Your view will be much clearer.

4.  Have a view to what’s next – Once you have worked at eliminating your barriers, possibilities emerge. Get curious about what else you can do with your skills because awareness and preparedness are your best guide.

5.  Go outside your comfort zone – Taking on any new challenge takes courage. Whether it’s “go big or go home” or small steady steps, identify your challenge and move towards it. We live in a world of constant change. Planned change is easier to deal with than unplanned change. This tactic boosts your resiliency. It will also keep you competitive in your career.

6.  Invest in your future – Education is all around us, be aware of your learning opportunities. While enhancing or learning new skills in a formal setting is important for our success, it’s not always the right avenue, every time. Taking on new learning opportunities or volunteer activities is an incredible way to speed up your learning or shift you into a new area of expertise.

7.  Set regular goals for yourself – Whether they are personal or professional, goals are the only way to track your progress. If you meet them great – celebrate and if you don’t, pat yourself on the back because you started and tried. Then reset…you will get there and then know you have been productive. Our lives go past us so quickly, it’s hard to keep track and acknowledge our accomplishments…goal setting will help you with this. Know what you want and don’t lose site of your vision.

8.  Get your resume updated – and keep it that way. A solid resume will ensure you are ready for any opportunity that comes your way. It will also keep you on track for ensuring your skills are marketable and boosts your self-confidence by realizing how good and prepared you are.

9.  Think outside the box – As you become curious and network more, understand yourself through assessments, get out of your comfort zone, invest in your future and set regular goals, you will enable yourself to broaden your vision of you what thought was possible. Be as creative as you want to be. You have lots of transferable skills to use if you want.

10.  Ask for what you want – No guarantees here but preparation, determination, integrity and kindness go far. Even though we are all busy, so many people are more than willing to help, provide guidance and sharing expertise.

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